Today’s stepping stones define a space while adding affordable style. I personally refuse to use the same soul-sucking multi-colored cobblestones and stone 12x12s from my neighbor’s yard, but I loved the simple concrete pavers and broken slabs. Here are some examples of successful uses of cool, purposeful stepping stone alternatives

Brunches and lunches in the garden can soar to new heights by defining the space with randomly placed pavers. Break up the greenery and add a more solid surface for chair and table legs. It is important to maintain grass between each paver. This creates a feeling of “it’s always been there”

The herringbone pattern is a glorified zigzag. Bricks lined up diagonally change direction to create a traditional, formal design. The herringbone pattern of this patio repeats with the firebrick of the fireplace. Both look beautiful with the running board brick pattern on the fireplace.

Broken stone slabs are placed in a circular pattern, creating a courtyard effect despite there being no actual courtyard. Apart from this, it is a great way to highlight features such as waterfalls, obelisks or statues. Or, if you’re an overachiever, there’s an obelisk with statues carved into it and water pouring from the top.

If you’re worried about the maintenance associated with watering your lawn between pavers, filling the spaces between pavers with accent stones is a good option. Consider omitting the mortar to allow rainwater to soak in. It is impossible to kill a rock. yes?
Homeowners who want a luxurious look on a budget need only save a few pavers. In this case, only six packers complete the task of moving from door to aisle. The remaining space is filled with something much cheaper and easier to install.
Round packaging! Of those, I am a very big fan. Why? If you live in an ultra-linear home, introducing rounded shapes can help break up the monotony. There is a trick to installing pavers. Place the pavers in the desired location, dig a hole slightly shallower than their actual height, glue each paver into place, and make sure they are level by adding sandbox sand to the wiggle room until the pavers sit. It almost touches the ground
Rectangular pavers spaced about 4 inches apart can look harmonious in modern or transitional architectural styles. To save cash, create a larger space between each. By the time you get to pricing, you’ll realize that the difference between 2 inches and 8 inches is 8 full pavers, saving you hundreds of dollars. Then give it to me and let me buy mine
Using out-of-context packaging can give your business a new identity. In this case, the same rectangular pavers used as steps surrounded by pea gravel lead over the pond as an open bridge alternative.
Mix pea gravel with pavers to delineate an outdoor lounge area in the landscape. Pea gravel is very inexpensive. Decide where you want the lounger to sit and then position it. Fill the space between each paver by filling the remaining space with a layer of pea gravel about 3 inches deep. Using gravel saves money and creates a permeable surface.